"Brothers and Sisters" by Julianna Rubio Slager is a delightful ballet that captivates audiences of all ages, especially children. Set in a whimsical, playful world, this ballet captures the ups and downs of siblinghood—the laughter, rivalry, and steadfast loyalty—while celebrating the unique personalities and shared bonds between brothers and sisters. Slager brings out the individuality and quirks of boys and girls with vibrant, lighthearted choreography that feels both relatable and entertaining.

Children in the audience connect deeply with the ballet’s energy and humor, finding reflections of their own sibling experiences on stage. In fact, one eight-year-old enthusiastically declared, “Julianna is making ballet cool!” Through lively sequences of chases, games, and heartfelt moments of support, Brothers and Sisters makes ballet approachable and fun, inviting young viewers to see dance as something fresh, dynamic, and relevant to their lives. This ballet is a celebration of family, laughter, and the powerful bonds that siblings share.


The Space in Between


The Mother